About Us
Intelligent Justice is a non-profit public service organization that is dedicated to the advancement of Comprehensive Adjudication – a higher quality and far more efficient system for resolving difficult legal disputes.
Comprehensive Adjudication:
We promote the use of a unique form of dispute resolution that allows the parties to jointly select a highly credentialed Adjudicator who performs the legal analysis and evidentiary investigative work traditionally performed by the parties’ separate counsel, as well as the adjudicative function traditionally performed by a judge.
Comprehensive Adjudication results in a thoughtful and enforceable decision in half the time and at half the cost required to obtain a verdict in the public court system. For a more detailed description of the Comprehensive Adjudication process, see Reinventing Justice.
Intelligent Justice focuses its efforts on:
- Educating the public and legal professionals about Comprehensive Adjudication.
- Adopting uniform procedural rules for the Comprehensive Adjudication System.
- Promoting high professional standards for those who provide Comprehensive Adjudication services.
- Assisting parties to legal disputes who would not otherwise have the ability to obtain a high quality, just, swift and lower cost resolution of the controversy.
Tax Deductible Donations
Financial support for Intelligent Justice is tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information on how you can support our efforts, please contact us at Donations@IntelligentJustice.org.
Our Founder
Intelligent Justice was founded by a successful trial lawyer who, like many others, concluded that our inefficient civil justice system is structurally incapable of reliably providing high quality and financially reasonable justice to the parties engaged in civil legal disputes. His quest to provide a more efficient and higher quality system for resolving difficult legal disputes led to the Comprehensive Adjudication innovation promoted by Intelligent Justice. Click here for more detailed information on our founder.